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Public Alpha Preview |  DISCLAIMER: See Disclaimer  User data is not persisted during preview period.

Alpha Usage Disclaimer

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👋 We're thrilled to have you try out our app! We wanted to let you know that it's currently in the alpha stage and open for limited public preview. This means that while we've been hard at work the app's not quite finished yet and may still have some rough edges.

As you try out the app, we invite you to share your thoughts, feedback, and ideas with us. Your input will help us shape the final version of the app and make it even better! Expect a public roadmap to be released shortly.

During this preview period, no user data will be saved, so anything you enter into the app won't be stored permanently. Don't worry, though – you can still play around with all the features and get a sense of what the app can do.

We want to be transparent with you about this app's state, so please keep in mind that it's provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall the developers or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this app.

By using this app, you agree to these terms and those outlined in our terms and conditions. We hope you enjoy trying out the app and look forward to hearing your thoughts!